Embracing Change – an Anxiety Management Plan

“Change is the essence of life. Be willing to surrender what you are for what you could become.”-Unknown Are you feeling overwhelmed by the constant demands of life? Do you find yourself in a never-ending cycle of stress and anxiety? It’s time to...

Affirmations as One of the Methods of Managing Stress

Of all the methods for managing stress, using affirmations can be a one of the most powerful. In this Post we’ll talk about using Affirmations as one of many methods of managing stress. We’ll dig into the what, why, when and where of Affirmations, and also...

Feeling Overwhelmed? Here’s What You Need to Know

Does this sound like you? So – it’s the end of the day, and it’s been a pretty stressful one. Or maybe it’s the end of a very stressful week. Either way, you’re getting the feeling that a HUGE wave of emotion is getting ready to crash...

7 Ways to Ease Your Anxiety Now

How to deal with anxiety.  We all have “moments” of anxiety. But severe anxiety symptions require a thoughtful plan of action. While this doesn’nt mean you’ll have a cure for anxiety, if you have a plan of action you can quicly see benefits. So...

7 Ways to Manage Your Stress at Work

How to deal with stress at work.  Stress is terrible. It messes up your brain, creates anxiety, can take away your self-control, and even make you sick. And quite a lot of our stress can come from our work environment. You might have a perfect job and boss, but still...

4 Easy Ways To Use Your Brain To Reduce Stress

Can you use your brain to reduce stress? Yes you can…  So, you’ve probably heard about the phenomenon called “being overly attached to your phone”? This happens when you become so attached to your phone that you can’t pay attention to anything else. We...

7 Simple Ways to Wake Up Happy

How to avoid waking up with stress.  How you start your morning will often set the tone for your entire day. But many of use find that we’re often waking up feeling stressed, which can really turn the outlook on your day into mush. Want to avoid waking up...

Methods of Managing Stress If You’re Consumed by It

We all have stress, but for some it’s life-consuming. How can you tell? Read on to learn methods of managing stress… Stress is something that everyone is exposed to, to one degree or another, and everyone will suffer from, to one degree to another. Some...
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